Thursday 6 April 2017


Last few months have gone really fast. And I´ve tried to get my life back to normal. Now I think it´s finally getting better again, so here I am again!

I watched Disney Channel last weekend, and I saw two really thought-provoking videos from Disney. It was about how parents should encourage their daughters to dream. Seeing these videos made me think. I have always been a dreamer. I´ve had many dreams during my life. I´ve forgotten some of them, but some of them are still things I wanna do. I want to make the world a better place. 

Dreaming isn´t easy. It takes its own time, and energy. Parents should encourage their children more, than nowadays parents usually do. Instead of surfing on internet, spend time with your kids. Show them, what dreaming gives. Imagination is the only limit. everyone needs that. Imagination is necessary for living. 


