Thursday, 6 April 2017


Last few months have gone really fast. And I´ve tried to get my life back to normal. Now I think it´s finally getting better again, so here I am again!

I watched Disney Channel last weekend, and I saw two really thought-provoking videos from Disney. It was about how parents should encourage their daughters to dream. Seeing these videos made me think. I have always been a dreamer. I´ve had many dreams during my life. I´ve forgotten some of them, but some of them are still things I wanna do. I want to make the world a better place. 

Dreaming isn´t easy. It takes its own time, and energy. Parents should encourage their children more, than nowadays parents usually do. Instead of surfing on internet, spend time with your kids. Show them, what dreaming gives. Imagination is the only limit. everyone needs that. Imagination is necessary for living. 




Thursday, 26 January 2017

ON AN ENDLESS ADVENTURE FINDING MYSELF - what is the meaning of my life?

Who are you? What is your meaning in this universe?  Where do you belong?


This subject is really relevant for me at the moment. I haven´t had courage to be myself. It has taken many years for me to accept myself as the person I am. Now I think I do know who I really am, but still I find new things in myself almost every day.

But how can you find yourself? I think that the easiest way is to do what you really love. My thing is music, and being with children and youths. What is yours?

You should also spend time with those who accept you as you are. It's only a waste of time if you are with someone who doesn't actually accept you and doesn't respect your opinions. They aren´t real friends.

"Have courage and be kind."
- Cinderella

Don´t care about what other people think of you. I know it´s easier to say than to do. But it´s a thing that helps. Practising will be worth it. I promise you.

Few days ago I had to do something what needed courage. Alot of courage. I had to tell our teacher, that some of my classmates were taking drugs. I didn´t know much, I just knew that they were smoking weed. One of they were my friend. Now I´m not the most well-liked person in the class. I never was, but now they really don´t like me. I have only a few friends, but I really don´t care. I´m used to it. And we are studying to be a youth and leisure activities instructors. I did the right thing.

That´s a really good example of caring what other people think. I wasn´t thinking that "if everybody hates me." It was a conscious risk I had to take. 

We all have things that make each of us special. Find your own thing, and be proud of it.

Have a nice weekend everyone!


P.S. I´m sorry again about this long break. Now I won´t even promise anything, because I have so many things going on in my life. I have to fix my life before I can truly focus on my blog. I´ll post sometimes when I´ve energy and inspiration. 

Friday, 6 January 2017

BYE BYE 2016 - new chapter of the book we are living in

First of all, sorry I´m late. I promised to post on New Year´s Eve... I didn´t have time or motivation, so now I´m late. Sorry for that. Holiday has kind of ruined my schedule, but I´ll try to fix it, when I got back my daily routines. And also my 16th birthday kind of took all the energy I had...

Today´s the sixth of January. And the time in Finland is already 9.02 pm. So this comes out quite late. It doens´t matter.

2016 is now officially over, and I have to say that it was one of my toughest years. But, in 2016, there were also many happy moments I wouldn´t change. It was a hard year, but today I´m telling you the best things that happened in 2016.


1. Maata Näkyvissä

I wrote about this amazing happening earlier in to my blog. You can go read about it here.

2. New school - Youth and leisure activities instructor

I don´t remember, what have I written about my education. But has been amazing to start studying at Lohja. I love that place and people there. I´ve learned so much about life and myself during fall.

3. England

Last summer I traveled to England with my mom. It was my birthday present (half a year later, because we didn´t want to visit England at winter. First two nights we stayed in a small city called High Wycombe, with our  Last two nights we spent in London, and we visited Harry Potter studio. It was amazing!

4. Disney on ice

No one is ever too old for Disney! Me and my best friend wanted to go, because we are Disney-fans forever! Unforgettable show!

5. Camps

Congrecation and scout... Both had unbelievable camps during last year. So many new friends, so many new experiences! Thank you all <3


1. Gospel music

I can´t thank enough for all those bands who have changed the train of my thoughts with their lyrics. KLS., Herz, Hawk Nelson, Lz7, Twelve24... All of them. You make my days better! 

2. My new class

First I felt like I didn´t belong to the group, but still I can only say that you guys are the best class I´ve ever had. Now we work well together (at least almost always...) and when the spring semester begins, I´m happily going back to school!

3. New friends from the congrecation

I´ve met many new people at camps and events, thank you all!

Those were the best things I´ve experienced last year. And now, last but not least, I want to thank my amazing roommate for being such a good friend to me the whole fall semester. Love you Iida <3! I want also thank a wonderful girl, who I also met this fall at a camp. We have known each other for 112 days, and I couldn´t be more thankful for meeting you. We got along so well already in the beginning of our friendship. It´s amazing! Thank you Maisa <3! Thank you also Anna, and Suvi. Both of you´ve been my best friends few years. I hope you all stay in my life also through 2017.

Welcome 2017, be as good as 2016, or even better!

Happy New Year everyone!!


Yesterday in Kiasma.